Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce Website | Website Developement

Single vendor & Multi-Vendor Ecommerce:


  • Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP
  • Backend Framework: Laravel
  • Frontend Framework: Vue.js
  • Database: MySQL



  • Fast loading.
  • Real-time searching.
  • Secured script.
  • Standard User Interface
  • Product variant (size) base stock
  • Dynamic category, subcategory & sub sub-category.
  • Dynamic top-selling products.
  • Auto new arrival products.
  • One-step order submission (user login not required)
  • Auto SMS sending (order confirmation & where required)
  • User login, registration & google login set up
  • Status-wise order processing
  • Retail & wholesale order manages on the same site.
  • Office sales, company sales management.
  • Wish list, cart & one step checkout
  • Online payment gateway
  • Users Role & Permissions assign
  • Sale campaign
  • Marketing/coupon Responsive Design (Support All Devices)
  • Manage all bill statements & others statements.
  • Manage investment, loan, and business directors.
  • Auto supplier data management (purchase, payment & partial

Payment records)


  • Product color and variation setup and control
  • Product upload according to color, every color multi-images and color #wise #variants and  #variants stock
  • Product information edit and color item edit and variants active DE active
  • Stock by purchase system
  • Searching by name or code
  • Dynamic unique code generates
  • Custom SKU and barcode generate
  • Barcode print
  • Product price, sale price and wholesale price and supplier set up
  • Product active de-active, publish, unpublished


  • Supplier add, edit
  • Supplier purchase record and amount record
  • Product purchase
  • Material purchase
  • Supplier bill pay (at the time of purchase and partial payment)
  • Purchase add, edit, delete



Delivery and return charges should be advanced.

Order processing status->

  • Newly placed order
  • Pending/payment pending
  • Confirmed/approved
  • Packaging
  • Shipment or on the way
  • Delivered
  • Return order
  • Order from customer.
  • Order create for the customer by admin and edit order until shipment process
  • Order pick list
  • Auto filter quick delivery and regular delivery
  • Order search by invoice number or customer phone number
  • Order Return with return charge and partial return system
  • Order bulk assign to courier and bulk shipment
  • Date to date filtering


  • Account balance creation and manage
  • Income, and expense records created by information
  • Due customer list and due amount receive partially or full
  • Balance filtering
  • Fund transfer
  • Loan Inventory
  • Investment Inventor
  • Bill statement manage


  • Employees add, edit, and manage
  • Generate monthly salary
  • Payment records
  • Monthly salary generates records. CAMPAIGN MANAGE:
  • Manage the flash campai